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Say Hællo

They always say that you're supposed to 'find yourself' when you go travelling, but all I found was the side of a truck. Now in my twenties, I'm on a new journey to say Hællo to myself, learn a little about the world and maybe even get to know some of you along the way.

I hope that this website can give you a smile, provide some inspiration and maybe even share a bit of wisdom.

The Name

You might be wondering why this website is called Hællo. In fact, it might have been the very reason that you decided to enter this exact page out of the billions available online. I will answer that, but you'll have to bare with (please) so I can explain all.


The last rendition of this website was called 'Voluntraveller' and was set up to share my experiences whilst on my gap year volunteering and travelling. As time progressed, I started to move away from that side of things because it was all just very show-offy, didn't allow me to express myself fully and wasn't particularly useful to other people.

Now, I'm in a very important stage of my life where I'm learning a lot about who I am and how I can be true to myself. I'm beginning to look towards my German heritage as a possible way to learn more and that balance is nicely represented by the English vs German pronunciations of my name: "Fay-bee-an" or "Far-bee-arn".

Hence Hællo. This is me publicly saying hello (or 'hallo' in German) to my authentic self.

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