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Writer's pictureFabian McLaughlan

Leftie Libtards

Ah the joys of name-calling. It's something that stops for the most part when you're about 12 and then re-emerges at whatever point you become interested in Politics.

The trait of name-calling is a characteristic shared by all groups speaking to people they disagree with: hence the less-than-respectful ways people call right-wingers fascists and left-wingers communists (always go to the extreme when insulting people in politics). It's designed to paint people with the same brush, picking the worst characteristics of those groups and then making the rest of the groups views irrelevant. The same happens with individuals - poor decisions in the past somehow invalidates all other options thay they may hold now. The fundamental problem with this is that it prevents all useful political debate, ensuring that the popular view is unchallenged and therefore remains the same.

Now I am one of those considered a "Leftie Libtard". What this tends to mean is that I am extremely hypocritical. An example of this is that apparently I will riot against Trump, yet be fine with an Islamic Hate Preacher (IHP) promoting violence against the West. This is far from the case: both people speak about hate and I am extremely opposed to that mindset. The only reason I can think of why us Leftie Libtards may not protest in the same numbers about an IHP as opposed to Trump is that they have much less power to be able to make a negative impact. Either way, is it the case that because we haven't done enough to oppose one thing that we should just accept everything else? Of course not. This may only be one example, but hopefully it provides some evidence for the idea that there may be logic behind our apparent hypocrisy. If we fail to criticise one thing, it doesn't mean that we're being hypocritical, it's probably a failure on our part to be informed on that particular issue or we just don't feel as strongly about it. Instead of name-calling, educate us and then we can debate whether or not protests should occur.

Another characteristic of the Leftie Libtard is that we believe we are the enlightened ones, whilst in reality we understand very little. This one has a ring of truth around it, but is just as suitable for the lefties as it is for the righties: when you believe you have the correct information, people tend to ignore any other facts. Having said that, there can be situations where we understand the oppositions thinking, but use the same facts to reach a different conclusion. The right-wing may say that refugees are a danger to us due to the risk of terrorists coming into our countries and therefore we should shut our borders, whereas I would argue that the benefit of saving thousands of lives massively outweighs the risk to me or my family. Despite both conclusions being logical, the right-winger is considered to be islamaphobic, whereas I am considered to be a terrorist sympathiser.

This is where Politics is at the moment. In the past, it wasn't so dangerous to constantly name-call, but now we find ourself at a historical landmark. Brexit is happening, Trump has been elected, Germany and France are having elections this year and Russia looks set to invade the Balkans. Take a look at this incredibly interesting article by Tobias Stone from the Huffington Post - - which conveys the likelihood of WWIII (it seems extreme, but we're living in extreme times and he argues his points very well).

Now it's more important than ever to move away from political name-calling and partake in real political debate. Start off by reading up on all of the sides to an issue and then come to a conclusion. If you find new information, then be willing to adapt your position as a result. Once you've done that, it's not good enough to say your opinions are better - prove it and do it in a way that actually engages the audience that are yet to understand your opinions. Otherwise you just become more background noise.

Then do the real stuff - post on social media, start a debate, turn up to vote when it's time (even if all you do is rip up your ballot), sign or even make a petition, email your local MP and protest. Because this Leftie Libtard is bricking it.

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